Thursday, August 20, 2009

Parent Meeting

Ruskin PreK-8 School had its first parent meeting for the 2009-2010 year on August 20, 2009. Mario the School-Community Coordinator started the meeting and Principal Devon Berry made some welcoming remarks.

This group will be an opportunity for parents to become involved in the school and to provide feedback for improvement to the school and afterschool operations. The participants had wonderful ideas including the need for improved parent communication through a blog. This is the first blog and hopefully there will be daily posts to the new Ruskin blog. Parents at the meeting were interested in volunteering for bake sales or to teach baking. Parents were also interested in seeing mailed newsletters as well as emailed newsletters to increase communication.

Individuals also suggested that the students might also develop their own newsletter. Individuals were also interested in a Ruskin School website.

There was also some discussion of language sharing groups between English speaking and Latino parents to build skills in English and Spanish.

Mario shared different ideas for volunteer opportunities and ways to become involved in the school. Michelle, one of the parents, discussed parents providing assistance to each other in driving children to school.

Mario also talked about a walking club for students and how students might record their miles and while learning about the United States.

Parents also were asked to share skills and experiences during the classroom or afterschool. The need for band instruments was also discussed. Also, future plans for open gyms and parent activities were noted.

Jan Lepore-Jentleson, Executive Director of East End Community Services, also discussed a new housing effort that will construct 40 new homes that can be rented by individuals. Flyers were passed out about the housing and persons were asked to fill out forms to place themselves on the waiting list. Parents agreed to take over leadership responsibility for the meetings and will set up the next meeting.

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